Thursday, December 13, 2007

Newsletters On The Way

The December edition of the FOIL Newsletter will be arriving in your mail in the next few days. You'll find info on the new website, set to launch on Saturday the 15th, 3-pages of new books @the library, and FOIL's annual Thank You to our supporters. If you're not getting the newsletter and are interested in receiving one, leave a comment & we'll add you to the list!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Book & Bake Sale
December 17-18-19

Something New for FOIL

FOIL is very excited to join the 21st century and start a blog! Here Burney Library's supporters will find all the latest news about the Burney Branch of Shasta Public Libraries. As we figure out how to use the site, we'll be posting more and more. Today's post is just a test. See you back here soon!